Saturday, March 28, 2020

Learn Chinese Language Online

Learn Chinese Language OnlineHow do you learn Chinese language? What can you do to make your own, easy and fun language study approach?There are many options for studying Chinese language. In most cases, most people will start by learning some of the basic words and phrases that are taught in schools. However, this is a very limited approach and does not help you master the art of speaking the language.There are a few online learning courses available, for which you get a complete Chinese-language course. Of course, this gives you all the information you need. However, it is not an all-inclusive course. Some of the courses will teach you some of the grammar rules and you will be able to learn some terms used in the Chinese language.However, you need to keep in mind that in order to be able to say some basic sentences, you will need to use some Chinese idioms, especially the passive verbs. This is why the courses often make it clear that there are many other language elements to maste r, such as the verbs. You will be able to achieve success in learning Chinese, if you understand that you will need to know all the elements of the language.Another way to learn Chinese language is to use an e-book to accompany your normal learning methods. E-books will not only be good as learning materials, but also to help you by filling the gaps where you are not able to speak the language properly. Another way to study is to enroll in a Chinese language school.However, if you are lucky enough, you will have the chance to enroll in classes. The classes are usually held in Chinese language universities or schools, that have the Chinese name and location of the university printed on the cover. Thus, even if you are just a beginner, you will still get the chance to learn through these classes. They may even let you go on and take other classes after you have finished your Chinese language class.After you have finished your studies, you'll need to find out how to actually learn Chin ese language. You can start by using the instructions that are provided by the e-book, in combination with the regular course that you've taken. However, if you want to really learn the language well, then you need to combine all the methods of the study mentioned above.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Yabla Review A Look at the Programs Video-based Learning System

Yabla Review A Look at the Programs Video-based Learning System Yabla Review: A Look at the Programs Video-based Learning System If there’s one thing we know, it’s that videos make great language-learning tools.You can listen to your target language being spoken.You can stop, rewind and slow down.You can add subtitles for reading practice.Plus, videos allow you to see a huge range of different scripted and authentic situations.And since everythings online these days, it’s all available at the click of a button!FluentU is all about making the most of video content to help you learn or improve a language. But of course, we’re not the only ones to see the value in this amazing tool.In this post, we’ll be looking at another platform:  Yabla.Yabla is an online language-learning tool that focuses on video content.The philosophy is simple: By using a range of original and authentic videos at all levels, language learners can practice their listening and learn new vocabulary in context.Yabla also features language games and written lessons to make the experience even richer.So, is this program right for you? Check out our Yabla review below to find out! Yabla Review: A Look at the Programs Video-based Learning SystemKey FeaturesVideosThe main feature of Yabla is its video content, currently available in six languages. In order to provide a rich and varied experience, theres a mixture of original content commissioned by Yabla and licensed content from other sources, including popular TV shows and films. All the videos contain native speakers, giving you a real authentic experience.For example, if you’re learning Italian, you might start off by watching two real people talking about their families. This could then be followed by a clip of an Italian detective drama  or a scenario that teaches you some useful business vocabulary.Each video is accompanied by subtitles in your language and your target language. You can switch these on and off as you wish. You can also click individual words that are new to you and see them translated into English.Lessons, games and vocabulary materialsW hile Yabla is centered on video content as a learning mechanism, there are also other features. What features you have access to depends on the language you’re learning.For instance, if you’re studying French, you can add to your learning by clicking on the “Lessons” tab. This brings up lots of short articles that focus on a particular aspect of the language, like different ways of translating the word when into French, depending on the situation. The written explanations are supplemented with clips from Yabla’s video library to help you see how the language is used in context.You can also play a series of fun language games and get yourself on the leaderboard for your chosen language. While you’re watching a video, simply click the Games button to access enjoyable activities like Missing Word to test your comprehension.Learners of Chinese, on the other hand, are given a different set of tools. These include a pinyin chart to help you understand the different sounds used in Mandarin, as well as a flashcard utility so you can memorize vocabulary.So how good is Yabla, really? Let’s take a look at some of the things it does really well, as well as some of the drawbacks.The Strengths of the Yabla ProgramRange of videosSome people think that watching authentic video content is only useful at higher levels, but thats simply not true! Theres a great variety of videos on Yabla, featuring natural language at every level. The videos come with a simple rating system from one to five, which means that you can see at a glance how difficult the content is.I also love how you can see a mixture of language-focused original videosâ€"both in acted scenarios and explanations to the cameraâ€"with videos taken from TV and film. This means you can still get the explanations you need as a student of the language but you can also feel like you’re watching the same kind of thing as a native speaker would watch!As mentioned in the introduction, Yabla isnt the only learn ing program to effectively harness videos for teaching a language. FluentU also strives to make authentic videos like music videos, movie clips and inspirational talks approachable to learners at any level.Seeing your target language as its actually used by native speakers is a powerful way to learn the nuances, rhythm and word usage in a way that you just cant get with content made for learners.SubtitlesThere are a lot of different views out there on the best way to use subtitles when you’re watching videos in a language you’re trying to learn or improve.Some people say that the writing draws your eye, distracts you from the spoken language  and prevents you from improving your listening comprehension, especially when you have the translation. Others, however, believe that seeing the subtitles can help you connect their sounds of the words with their spellings and meanings.The great thing about the subtitles on Yabla is that you can choose to have them in your target language, in English, in both or in neither. This option for customization is also present in FluentU and other video-based learning programs because it puts the learning decisions in the hands of the learner.You might find, for example, that the first time you watch the video you want to try to understand it without subtitles and then add them the second time so you can check how well you understood. Or you can do it the other way aroundâ€"the choice is yours!The other really useful thing about the subtitles on Yabla is that you can click on a word to bring up the dictionary definition and translation. You can also add it to your flashcard list for later revision.Video controlsWhile testing out this program, I was watching a clip from the TV series Il Comissario Manara  (Commissioner Manara) in Italian on Yabla. The main character speaks so fast! Luckily, I was able to use Yabla’s video controls to turn the speed down to 75% or even 50% of the full speed in order to comprehend it better.Th is is so useful when listening to authentic clips of native speakers. You can get into the rhythms of the language without worrying about losing the thread due to the pace being too fast.Embedded video clips in lessonsAlthough they’re not available in every language, the lesson-style articles are brilliant. By showing short clips of specific grammar or vocabulary, explaining them and comparing their usage, Yabla really gives you a feel for some of the nuances of your target language.You can take a look at these even if you’re not subscribed to the service. For instance, check out this lesson on German expressions of enthusiasm. The examples are given in English and German, and you just need to click on Play Caption to watch the clips.Yabla Features That Could Be BetterSelection of languagesWhile this is sure to develop in the future, at the moment Yabla only offers six languages to learnâ€"French, German, Italian, Chinese, Spanish and English.If youre learning Korean, Russian or Japanese and want to get a similar video-based experience, you can get that on FluentU. (FluentU also offers the languages on Yabla, in case you want a double-dose of video-based learning.)Other language learners are out of luckâ€"for now. Keep an eye out for new language offerings on both platforms!Cost of new languagesYabla requires a new subscription for each language. If youre signed up to learn French and then you think you want to take up Chinese, youll need to pay a second fee.This isnt a problem if you only want to learn one language at a time, but it’s a bit of a shame not to be able to explore alternatives without committing to them.You can always try out the language on another platform like FluentU, firstâ€"which does allow you to access all of its languages with a single subscriptionâ€"before you decide to sign up for another language on Yabla.Mobile accessibilityAt present, Yabla doesn’t have a downloadable app.  This means you have to rely on having an internet c onnection to practice.However, the upside of this is that the website is mobile responsive, so as long as you do have that connection then you can use your tablet or smartphone to study.  (If you really want a dedicated app, you can find FluentUs apps on Android and iOS and simply use Yabla at home and FluentU on the go!)What do you think? Has our review of Yabla made you want to try it out?All in all, despite a few drawbacks, the videos, games and lessons on offer make Yabla a really interesting way to use video content to drive your language learning in a fun and engaging way!

Dont stop the party celebrating the holidays while teaching overseas

Don’t stop the party celebrating the holidays while teaching overseas Don’t stop the party: celebrating the holidays while teaching overseas With Halloween creeping up, Thanksgiving right around the corner, and Christmas andHanukkah just about a month away, we’re sure all you teaching overseas are feeling a little nostalgic for your traditions back home. The holidays can be a tough time to be away from home. But the holidays can still be a special time of year to bring you closer together with your fellow teachers, your students, and there are even ways to still celebrate with your family back home! Make use of video chats With Facebook video calls, Skype, and Google Hangouts, it’s so easy to keep in touch with your friends and family back home during these holidays and get to see their faces as well. Because many of us look at the holidays as family time, don’t let distance stop you: make use of Skype to keep in touch and enjoy the holidays together. If you think you’ll miss Christmas dinner, ask your family to Skype you in! Calling all expats It’s a good thing to enjoy some of the festivities back home, but try to make new memories with your fellow teachers. It’s likely that they are in the same boat and miss their family time too. Find teachers that share your traditional holidays and recreate them where you are, however you’d like! Or make something new of the holidays: try and ask everyone to bring a dish from their home country for a Thanksgiving dinner together. Keep tradition alive Do you have a favorite Christmas movie? Did you love being the one to hand out candy to trick or treaters? Do you have one dish that you just love to eat every Thanksgiving? Email your family for any secret recipes, get your hands on a copy of your favorite movie, and invite your students to dress up on Halloween and bring them candy as a reward. Whatever activities you do to bring the holiday spirit out can be done abroad as well with a little ingenuity. Share with your students Your students probably know a little bit about your holidays, especially if it’s Christmas or Halloween. But they may not know much, and they’ve probably never celebrated it. Take this opportunity to teach each other something: ask them how they celebrate their holidays and show them how you celebrate yours. Many of your students will be really excited to show you something as personal to them as their traditions during the holidays and how their families celebrate. Let go Remember that if you feel really homesick, you’re on a contract teaching abroad for a limited time and that your hometown isn’t going anywhere. Maybe you’ll be back there before you know it. So make sure to make the most of your time teaching abroad. Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but try to get into the mindset of living in the present. Next Christmas dinner that you’re back home for, you’ll have all these awesome memories of your times teaching abroad to share with your family! So how do you plan to celebrate your favorite holidays abroad this year?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

italki Challenge My First Week

italki Challenge My First Week Consistency Is Absolutely Vital [This blog post originally appeared as a blog post on Koko the Polyglots website.  Reposted with permission.] It will be a week from tomorrow since the  iTalki Language Challenge  began  (and if you still want to participate, remember you have until the 31st to sign up!)    After taking 4 sessions  (2 don’t count because I started them before the challenge began.), I can already notice a difference in my ability to speak Japanese! Now I’ve been learning Japanese (seriously) on my own since 2008 but one of the things I struggled with the most was actually speaking the language.  It seemed like when I was always hitting a plateau, especially when it came to speaking. I was going through a labyrinth trying to experiment with different language methods until I could finally find something that would be sufficient to work with. So what has this challenge taught me so far? Consistency Is Absolutely Vital One of things that held me back from making progress in Japanese was not dedicating enough time to improve  BOTH  my active (speaking and writing) and passive (reading and listening) learning skills.  In the past, I would either focus on active only or passive only not realising that you would need both to truly make a breakthrough in the target language. I remember trying gathering various resources throughout the internet trying to figure out what were the best textbooks, online courses, blogs, and YouTube videos were for learning Japanese. It wasn’t until I began exploring YouTube that I was able to find videos from people who had learned Japanese successfully (such as  Hikosaemon,Kemushichan, and  Tofugu  to name a few), as well as coming across the blog:  All Japanese All Time  by Khatzumoto. Between 2008-2010,  I was able to meet with a fellow Japanese learner and a native speaker on Skype (at suddenly and irregular intervals, mind you.) as well as practising my written Japanese on the popular blogging platform  Ameba  and eventually getting entries corrected through  Lang 8.  While I was aware of  iTalki, I didn’t actually start using it until April of last year. Going from college textbooks like  Nakama  and  Genki  to self-study courses likeJapanese for Busy People  ,  Common Japanese Collocations,  JapanesePod101,  Japanese Sentence Patterns for Effective Communication and  Breaking into Japanese Literature  was enough to drive anyone mad. However,   it was having a consistent plan to follow on a regular basis which made courses like these quite effective. Making Yourself Accountable Readjusting your schedule to dedicate time to your target language daily is crucial for making progress in your target language.  By deciding to learn your target language you are going through a journey to achieve fluency. Any time you devote to the language is beneficial. What I’ve often done was listen to podcasts during a long commute to work or school. The podcasts would keep me motivated to learn Japanese, especially if they were lessons from  LingQ.  Which meant I could use my laptop to read and listen along with that podcast later on. These challenges enable us to add more intensity to our language learning by giving ourselves a specific deadline to blast through language barriers.  It’s having the persistence to go through this intensive language adventure to discover new techniques and perhaps being able to find the method that works for you.  Pledging to complete these 20 lessons will warrant progress I would not have gotten otherwise. Never Tell Others Your Goals Until They Become A Daily Habit Now this doesn’t only apply to learning language but also to other important goals you have in life.  One of the things that has caused so much failure in different aspects of my life was mentioning my goals prematurely.  The moment I did that it seemed like it wasimpossible to motivate myself  to do it. I never really thought about it until I decided to put it to the test, thanks to this article:  Why Telling People Your Goals Is A Fatal Mistake. That article encouraged me to keep to my goals to myself until I actually started doing them on a regular basis.  By following a set of goals that are “for your eyes only”,  you will be able to concentrate on what you need to do and how to execute it. Telling people you plan on learning a language before you even begin is one sure fire way of it not happening.  How do I know? Because it’s happened to me before with languages I wanted to learn but ended up pushing them aside instead. I remember at one point I had 122 books for learning languages. That was a bit obsessive and not to mention that I was trying to study too many languages at one time that I didn’t progress in any of them. Most of these “books” were Teach Yourself and for the most part had audio that came along with them.  However, it ended up demotivating me from learning languages.  Eventually, I decided to stick with the languages that meant most to me and then go from there. Which ended up making things much more easier in the end.  You learn the languages you want and then as you’re progressing tell people you’re learning said language.  I don’t know about you but I’ve had people brag on my behalf about how many languages I speak and it can be quite embarrassing if you have to them you’re not fluent in them yet or “just starting out” in them.

Organic Chemistry Kinetics Problems

Organic Chemistry Kinetics ProblemsChemistry tutor Kinetics problems provide some of the best opportunity for advanced students to learn through hands-on experience and feedback. Students with previous hands-on experience can begin their journey towards an advanced degree by doing some chemistry Kinetics problems. Students have always struggled with taking chemical analysis and know-how tests, but this will help them learn to use their knowledge to their advantage.Kinetics is one of the most commonly used exercises in chemistry as it is very easy for most students to comprehend and some very important concepts. With plenty of practice, the students will soon have a grasp of the basic concepts of chemistry and have the confidence to tackle advanced problems. Chemistry tutor Kinetics problems allow for greater confidence, as they are relatively simple and focus on the main concepts.There are many different types of Kinetics problems that are suitable for all types of chemistry. Some ca n be accomplished with traditional materials such as chalk and dry erasers. However, students would find more satisfaction by tackling chemistry Kinetics problems in the form of solutions using graph paper and dry erasers. It will allow for more time to think through the problem, which will be beneficial for the student in the long run.After having taken the organic chemistry Kinetics problems, students will have the opportunity to build their confidence and have a better understanding of the various techniques that they need to employ in the future. They will also have a better understanding of how to solve problems and test themselves.With practice, many students can do their own version of organic chemistry Kinetics problems, allowing them to go back to this advanced concept and improve it as they progress. In doing so, they can have the chance to become more knowledgeable, which can give them an edge over their competition. The more familiar they become with the theory behind th is advanced concept, the more confident they will become when they are faced with an actual testable problem.These are generally the kinds of organic chemistry Kinetics problems that are the most useful for teachers, because they will help them teach other students through hands-on practice. In fact, in some schools, teachers will even use Kinetics problems to teach students their own problems and concepts, as well as allowing them to make mistakes while they learn from it.It is not only teachers who are making use of Kinetics; students are doing the same as well. Teachers can now take advantage of this type of problem as well, by focusing on the concepts that students are looking for.

Practical Applications For a Thermodynamics Tutor

Practical Applications For a Thermodynamics TutorThere are several applications for a thermodynamics tutor chemistry. Students are always in search of thermodynamics instructors to help them with the different facets of this field. There are actually quite a few different uses that these tutors can provide, and it will help you get your students interested in pursuing this study further.The first and most obvious practical application is in the workplace. Many businesses will actually require their employees to take an exam related to thermodynamics. With such exam requirements, the practical applications for a thermodynamics tutor are likely to become quite relevant.Another practical application of a thermodynamics tutor could be for the classroom. Even if your student does not have to take an exam on thermodynamics, they will need to familiarize themselves with the material. This way, the tutor can help them with strategies that they should use when they are in front of a group of people. Knowing how to answer a question properly will mean that they are able to deal with different situations, and their knowledge will be a great asset.A tutor of this sort is also useful for students who are pursuing a degree program. This is because they will help to ensure that their education goes on smoothly. There are some courses that need the student to take exams for this study, and those are usually considered to be higher level courses.A thermodynamics tutor can also be used in schools to help with testing. Schools will require their students to take their exams in a certain order, and they will most likely require them to sit for several at a time. A tutor can help to ensure that the students do not skip any parts of the test.The above applications are just some of the more obvious ones, but there are other practical applications for a thermodynamics tutor. Students will need to know more about the topics that are taught. This will allow them to understand why they s hould be interested in pursuing a course. A tutor will help to ensure that the student knows what they should be doing and why.These past uses for a thermodynamics tutor can still be useful today, especially for students who are serious about studying this subject. Having a tutor will mean that they will be able to maintain a good understanding of the course and they will be able to apply what they have learned.

Tutoring in Kings Mountain North Carolina

Tutoring in Kings Mountain North CarolinaIf you are planning on looking for a way to improve your grades or perhaps just take some stress off of your shoulders, then why not consider tutoring in Kings Mountain North Carolina. This is a great place to find someone who can help you with the work load that you have to put on your shoulder. You will be able to use the right resources to get you through your classes while at the same time staying healthy.With the state of the economy today, many people are struggling to find the help they need to be able to learn more quickly. The internet is full of sites that are promoting tutoring in North Carolina, but some are scams, so make sure that you check out the legitimacy of any sites that are offering tutoring services. There are a lot of tutors that are willing to help those who want it, but they can only do so much, which is why you should also look into having someone come and help you.There are various classes that you can take at differ ent grade levels, such as a basic course that is offered in different grades. You will be able to learn math, spelling, and other topics, all while getting some extra help in your life. This may not seem like much to do, but it is a big deal for many students. You will also be able to work with different tutors to see which one will best suit your needs.You will also need to pay attention to your other friends and family members who are doing better in school and are graduating than you are. They are always there to help, and it would be nice to have some kind of back up that you can turn to when things get hard. They can often be a great resource, and they may also be willing to help you out with your homework and even some study time.Think about how important it is to stay well off of your grades. Of course you don't want to quit school and have to work your way through college, but you can keep your grades high and still get a good job if you know that you are doing your homework . You may even become eligible for scholarships, and this can really help you get ahead in life.There are several websites that are worth checking out if you are interested in tutoring in Kings Mountain North Carolina. There are some sites that charge very little money to help those in need, and some that require no payment at all. So find one that you like, and then set up an appointment with your tutor to get some assistance.Tutoring in Kings Mountain North Carolina can really help you improve your grades, and also make you feel better about yourself. There are so many resources that are out there, and it will help you get through school easier. Make sure that you look into some tutoring in Kings Mountain North Carolina, and be sure to find the best one that fits your needs.

Is Homework Graded for Completion or for Accuracy

Is Homework Graded for Completion or for Accuracy 0SHARESShare This is about how online tutoring services consider the act of giving homework and how the completed homework should be evaluated by the tutor. Is homework should be graded for completion or for accuracy? The primary aim of giving homework is to practice the lessons being taught in the classroom. Some may agree that homework teaches new ideas that deal with the subject/topic in more complexes. If homework is the learning process then where is the point to grade students while they are learning the subject. Grading is the process to check the student understands of the knowledge in the subject when they have already learnt the subject. If homework is just practice work then the online tutor should just give feedback on the completed homework. The student should get to know whether they are on right track or have right understanding or not. This leads to accuracy of their understanding on the topic learnt in the classroom. The assessment of the homework should be assessing the road map of learning attained in the classroom. When homework is not assessed does not give clear understanding about how much of learning is being grasped by each of the student. Often homework graded for completion may lead to cheating copying things from reference materials. But cheating may not give right understanding of the subject. The online tutors should give students chance to practice idea and in turn give feedback to each student about how they need to close any understanding gaps while learning the subject/topic. Let students form actual ability to complete their homework and generate new ideas on self-study habits. This is only possible when homework is not graded for completion and for accuracy. [starbox id=admin]

Do You Know How to Get Best Results in k-12

Do You Know How to Get Best Results in k-12 0SHARESShare Lots of factors are involved to answer the question about how to get better results in K-12. However, one of the most contributing factors lies in you. It is you who need to give sincere efforts to take enough of tutoring. Often school academics are not adequate. You may seek tutor to get one-to-one support for all academic needs. Here are a few tips for K-12 students to succeed K-12 with good scores. Self-disciplined: You should be self-disciplined to spend enough time to the academics apart from school hours. You establish your own timings where you sit with your tutor doing course-related activities. Make the most out of tutoring: Be prepared before you come to the tutoring. May it be school classroom, private tutoring or online tutoring, ensure that you read lesson before you start your session. Participate actively in the classroom. While private or online tutoring, ask your doubts and queries while you are taking classes. Do your homework regularly: It is not enough of learning in a school classroom. Practice makes the man perfect. Spend some time regularly completing your homework, assignment work, revising the lessons, etc. Practice and revision will not only clear your concept but it will give speed answering the questions during the test. You can seek help from a private tutor or tutoring online  services that offer support and help in day-to-day schoolwork. Be dependable: It is said that self help is the best help. Despite of your school academic track record, the student should monitor his own progress and evaluate his position in each subject, the topics that require better understanding and topics which are through. There is no magical formula that guarantees your success in K-12 except hard and smart work. [starbox id=admin]